How To Develop Good Relationship With Your Growing Kids?

A strong bond with your developing children is essential for their emotional and general growth. A healthy and dependable relationship is facilitated through open communication, respect, and positive role modeling, among other things.

You can support your kids' development and equip them with the confidence and resilience they need to face the challenges of growing up by creating a secure and accepting environment for them.

1-Why is it important to change parental behavior with the growing age of kids?

 Age-appropriate behavior is essential when dealing with children for successful communication, building trust, and fostering their growth. 

It promotes respect, fosters close relationships between parents, and provides children a feeling of acceptance and support as they grow.

According to a study published at Journal of Child and Family Studies; “Poor parenting practices psychologically affect children's development and result in mental health issues.”

2-Ways to develop good relations with kids according to their age

It's important to comprehend the diverse developmental requirements of children in various age groups in order to build relationships with them and to communicate with them in ways that are suitable for their developmental stage.

Here are some pointers for developing good connections with children of various ages:

3-Infants & Toddlers (0–2 years old)

Infants & Toddlers (0–2 years old)

  1. Express affection: To build confidence and trust, give physical comfort by holding and snuggling.
  2. Play with them: Interact with them and support their early development by using straightforward, age-appropriate toys and activities.
  3. Have patience: Recognize that they have limited communication abilities, and have patience while they express themselves.
  4. Pay attention to clues: Pay attention to their wants and cues so that you can respond to them in a way that makes them feel secure and cared for.
  5. Use light touch: Babies love being touched gently. That is why it is required sometimes to make them feel calm.

Did You Know?

Always have a positive attitude toward your child's learning process in order to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Try to use the words "yes," "good," and "well done" more frequently than "no," "bad," and "not good."

4-Children in Preschool (Ages 3-5)

Children in Preschool (Ages 3-5)
  1. Use constructive criticism: Highlight and celebrate their efforts and successes to help   them feel better about themselves.
  2. Establish limits: Do so while being understanding and sympathetic. Set boundaries that are distinct and constant.
  3. Be a good listener: Express sincere interest in what they have to say and affirm their feelings and ideas.
  4. Encourage imaginative play: Play with children imaginatively and creatively, which is an important aspect of their growth.
  5. Never be too rude: Never be too rude at this age because it might affect kids' mental health very badly and they become depressed.

4-Children in Elementary School (6–12 years old)

Children in Elementary School (6–12 years old)

  1. Engage in their interests: Show an interest in their pastimes and extracurricular pursuits and get involved when you can.
  2.  Act as a role model: For young people who look to adults for direction by exhibiting positive habits and ideals.
  3.  Let them make small decisions: Let them make decisions and assume responsibilities that are suitable for their age.
  4.  Effective communication: When discussing matters of interest or concern, use easy language as it will be easy for them to understand.
  5. Involve them in activities with you: At this stage involve kids in household and outside daily activities to make them learn about daily life chores.


5-Teenagers (13–18 Years Old)

Teenagers (13–18 Years Old)

  1. Respect their privacy: Appreciate their desire for independence and privacy while remaining accessible to them for support and guidance.
  2. Communicate openly: Establish a welcoming and accepting atmosphere where they may express their ideas and emotions.
  3. Give them freedom:Encourage their freedom and ability to make decisions while offering support when required.
  4. Look for common interests: Discover mutual interests to deepen your relationship. Get together for shared interests.
  5. Be friends with them: At this age kids don’t like restrictive and orderly behavior. That is why it is necessary for parents to become friends with them to make them more comfortable.


Regardless of the age group, be patient, empathetic, and genuine in your interactions. Building relationships with kids involves understanding their unique needs and interests and demonstrating care and respect. Remember that each child is an individual, so be flexible in your approach and adapt to their personalities and preferences. The foundation of a strong relationship with kids is trust, understanding, and unconditional support.